Elements of disharmony by StardustSilver on DeviantArt
So this is a subject that I always like to tackle every once in a while, and it tends to be a fun subject to debate and discuss with other fans. In a…

The Elements of Disharmony by chanyhuman on DeviantArt
About Elements of Disharmony. Started in September of 2013, Elements of Disharmony is a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic role-playing group on Twitter, where players are in a chaos torn Equestria. There have been a few rough ends and even rougher restarts, but currently the group is going strong behind the scenes to work out story fixes and.

The Elements of Disharmony YouTube
The Mean Six: Elements of Disharmony Founded by Alphamon_Ouryuken · Report 21 Stories 172 Members Forum Folders The Mean Six The Mean Six 1 Order: Date Added E The Ending of the End - Love and Tolerance Edition MLP: FiM Adventure Equestria faces its most dire threat yet as Grogar and his legions march upon Canterlot.

Elements of Disharmony and Blade of Disharmony by AmadonDawn on DeviantArt
The Elements of Disharmony is a secret society of six mares who make it their purpose to oppose the Elements of Harmony and the Magic of Friendship The Elements of Disharmony are meant to be the opposing force against the Mane 6. Unlike other villains, who live out the bad guy clique: driven mad.

Elements of Disharmony by Rutana on DeviantArt
These dark Elements, Cruelty, Deceit, Betrayal, Gloom, Selfishness and Dark Magic, were created by the Dark Alicorn Prince Fuchowa to spread darkness throughout Equestria. Fortunately Princess Celestia and Princess Luna defeated him and Banished him from Equestria. The Elements of Disharmony were soon lost and forgotten.

[MLP] Elements of disharmony. by MonotoneInkwell on DeviantArt
Chrysalis made evil clones of the mane 6, but either way the elements of disharmony would be opposite of the elements of harmony. Examples: greed, deception or dishonesty, disloyalty (cannot think of anything better), etc.

New Video The New Elements of Disharmony by EndlessMayhem on DeviantArt
SStwins on DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/sstwins/art/Don-t-Blink-Redone-Zoom-348925842 SStwins

The Elements Of DisHarmony INTRO (NEW SERIES) YouTube
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfMBKlMskK4 The Brony Notion's Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH5g08F4uOk&t=4sFeatured on Equestria Daily 7/1.

Candid Canned The Elements of Disharmony YouTube
Original Upload: February 18, 2015 by Sawtooth Waves ( https://www.youtube.com/@SawtoothWaves )Video Archive Link: https://hobune.stream/videos/AH5g08F4uOkOt.

Elements of DisHarmony Unkindness (Fluttershy) by Xtrl My Little Pony wallpapers My Little
Do the Elements of Disharmony exist? And if so, who bears them?

The Elements of Disharmony. Equestria Unofficial Fan Club Amino
Disharmony is a debuff that results from disrespecting the Pandora world, especially if you kill Direhorse, Ikran, and young creatures. To avoid disharmony, it's crucial to be mindful of your.

Elements of Disharmony by BlueBrushCreations on DeviantArt
Check out amazing elementsofdisharmony artwork on DeviantArt. Get inspired by our community of talented artists.

Mlp Elements Of Disharmony
Nice. The elements of Chaos (compliments Laughter), Cruelty (complements Kindness), Jealousy (complements Loyalty), and Deception (complements Honesty). I wonder who we will meet that will complement Generosity and Magic. I guess Sunset Shimmer was the antithesis of Twilight Sparkle (and thus of Magic).If we count Equestria Girls.

Equestria's Elements of disharmony by MrDimensionIncognito on DeviantArt
Intro The True Elements of Disharmony (Mlp Theory on Sawtooth Waves) 💗 Wind Striker Brony 💗 5.96K subscribers Subscribe 1.1K 29K views 1 year ago I finally found the potentially canon elements.

Elements of Disharmony Updated Season 4 by PopculturePatron on DeviantArt
I don't think they could make a true set of elements of disharmony with the villains that currently exist. They could, however, do a similar story ark to the one they used in the PPG where the RowdyRuff Boys made a one-off appearance for an episode. Then again, if we were to use existing villains, the list could be as follows:

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Elements of Disharmony is a roleplay group set in an alternate mlp universe where the villains rule Equestria. Nightmare Moon controls Canterlot and most of the greater Equestrian kingdom, while Chrysalis rules from her Hive, with Sombra in the North. Discord is a free agent. (If you've seen the Season 5 finale, you've got a pretty decent idea.